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- Antiphonale
Metadata: Antiphonale
- Persistent identifier:
- PPN432340890
- Document type:
- Manuscript
- Shelfmark:
- 100 Aa 55
- Title:
- Antiphonale
- Year of publication:
- 15. Jahrhundert
- Collection:
- Medieval manuscripts
- Language:
- Latin
- Number of digitised pages:
- 449
- Scope:
- 1 Online-Ressource (222 Blätter)
- Size:
- Beschreibstoff: Pergament und Papier, 222 Blätter, 36 x 26,5 cm
- Comment:
- Alte Signatur: Fulda A.c.3
- Additional Information:
- https://fuldig.hs-fulda.de/viewer/image/PPN291354084/204/LOG_0116/